Saturday, February 13, 2010

So Glad I Didn't

Devin turned 4 months old on Thursday. He has been an exceptionally great nurser since he was born (not that I myself didn't go through an enormous amount of pain and setbacks in the beginning...). For the last serveral days he has seemed less satisfied with nursing. He started nursing around the clock again like he did as a newborn, and was very cranky and unhappy after each feeding.

On Thursday I felt very sad because I thought maybe he needed to start on solids. This was a huge blow to me because it made me feel like I wasn't able to give him everything he needed. I went on Facebook and asked around to see what I should do (lol- turning to society for the answers and not listening to my gut.) Most people told me it wouldn't hurt anything to start him on rice because THEIR pediatricians said it was okay. Yes, it likely is safe enough, but that isn't the only thing to consider.

I admit that when my oldest was a baby, I started him on rice at 3 1/2 months because he was VERY big (about 17 pounds at that age) and everyone said I wasn't giving him enough milk. He loved baby food from the second it touched his tongue. Well I'm sad to say that this did in fact begin a gradual weaning process and he weaned himself from nursing at 8 months. Then I tried #2 on solids at the same age and was very frustrated that she wanted nothing to do with them. I tried and forced solids on her LONG before she was ready. She tried to tell me that but I refused to listen.

Lauren, baby #3, went with out solids and lived solely on milk for the first 8 months of her life. She in turn nursed until she was 13 months old (but looking back I wish I'd nursed for a few more months). I really wanted that for Devin as well. So I promised myself I would not offer him anything but the breast until at least 6 months. And when he started becoming unsatisfied with my milk alone, it made me feel really sad!

He had his 4 month check up on Thursday and guess what- the poor guy had a massive double ear infection! Bad ears run in my husband's family. He and his siblings have very short eustachian tubes and had ear infections frequently as a result. So what I thought was a hungry baby, in fact turned out to be a hurting baby. He started turning to me more often for comfort, not because he was hungry. When I realized this, I was so happy! If he hadn't gone into the doctor that day, I likely would have become too frustrated and given him cereal at the tender age of 4 months.

I'm so glad he just needed his mommy to feel better. And I am more than happy to be there for him like that.


Gabe said...
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Beth said...

It drives me crazy when a pediatrician will just have a blanket statement of 4 months is fine to start solids. They see your child for a few minutes, they don't know! They are reading the most current research about when they should start.

My son is about 5 1/2 months old. I have no plans to start him on solids for awhile (I am hoping to skip cereal and go to real food around 9 months). He is a big boy, about 18 pounds.

(That was my comment I deleted. It was under my husband's email)

Beth said...

And I meant to say they AREN'T following the current research about when to start solids. They are just reciting what they learned in medical school years before.

Hippie Momma said...

That is awesome! I knew your milk was fine mama! You are a milk machine!

Brandi said...

Sorry the baby was sick! Keep up the good work on nursing and don't let people pressure you into starting him on solids. Joseph didn't start eating solids until he was 6 months and he does just fine with them now. Trust yourself! You're a great mom!